Friday, August 22, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Why ugly dolls don't like the beach

It is really hard to get to the beach. there is so much grass to wade through. then we get all sandy. give me a nice couch anyday.

Cookout continued.....

Are you sure this will make my burns feel better? somehow this doesn't seem right.

Ugly Cookout

mmmmm...basting on the lotion, huh? whaddaya mean, sauce?
it's getting kind of hot in here, doncha think? somebody flip me over, i think i'm getting too much color on my back. isn't this a tanning bed? WHAT!?!?!



A- Available?: aways available for eating cake
B-Best friend: Abbie
C-Cake or Pie?: pie
D-Drink of choice: coke
E-Essential thing used everyday: my cell phone
F-Favorite color: pink
G-Gummi bears or worms: ewww~you said gummy
H-Hometown: Boston, yo
I-Indulgence: long hot baths and showers and crappy tv and pie
J-January or February: February
K-Kids and names: ahhh, what kids?
L-Life: full of very unnecessary things
M-Marriage date: who said I was married?
N-Number of siblings: 1 Awesome Brother
O-Oranges or apples: oranges
P-Phobias: spiders, big spiders
Q-Quote: "You don't have to blow out my candle to make yours glow brighter" ~Anonymous
R-Reason to smile: my mother
S-Season: summer
T-Tag three people: Abbie
U-Unknown fact about me: i really really like soy milk even though i always pretend to hate it (i'd like a glass right now)
V-Vegetable you don't like: haven't seen one yet, probably dikon radish
W-Worst Habit: biting my nails
X-X-rays I've had: a lot in my mouth
Y-Your favorite food: broccoli casserole
Z-Zodiac: Cancer

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

blogging from school

blogging from a school computer! bye bye.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Who you callin' PLASTIC?!?!

BREAKING NEWS!!!! either i'm stupid for not knowing this, and they've been doing it forever, or they just came out. UGLYDOLLS COME IN VINYL!!!!!!
check out these little dudes!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Okay, this is a note from one of the girls that helps jeero and moxy run this blog saying Moma will be included to all of the people that posted about excluding him.

GO MOMA!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Oh, Dang it."

you see, in this picture, moxy and i
are upset because we can't hunt
humans here.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Graveyard Visit. By jeero

so here is our graveyard visit. we don't live very far from here, so we walked down the road to the graveyard cause it looked pretty in the snow.

this is us at this gravestone. Icebat went off to go write depressing poetry under a tree.
then he came back.
then i went away and came back.
then moxy hung out, and we went home.
we got some great pics, though, huh?!?!

The story of David Horgath and Sun-Min Kim.

Once upon a time there lived two young lovers, David and Sun-Min, aka the inventors of ugly dolls. they would draw a character that looked like this, just for fun. they named him wage.
here is his story.
by david and sun-min, not me.
Wage is a hard worker, just like you! He works at the local Super Mart and wears his apron to serve his customers best. Does Super Mart know that Wage works there? Nope. But Wage doesn‘t mind. He likes to put things in bags, especially snacks. Wage is best friends with Babo, but there is always room for one more (you). The two of them can often be found on the sidewalk trying to make friends with fire hydrants, phone booths, and other lonely creatures. Wage hates for anyone to be lonely! What‘s with that look? Is Wage happy? Sure he is! He smiles on the inside. The next time you go grocery shopping remember to take Wage along on your adventures.
back to david and sun-min. so anyway, they had their little wage guy, but one day, sun-min had to go back to korea.
as you can imagine, david sent her many "i miss you" letters with his little wage guy drawn at the bottom. one day, sun-min sewed the wage character into a plush doll and sent it to him as a surprise gift. he loved it, and when people started asking him where he got it, he asked sun-min to sew a couple more for this store that was willing to sell them. she did, and they sold in less than a day.
David and Sun-min are married now. congrats! go wage!
p.s. i did not make this up.
this was the uglydoll named moma that i made. here is his story.

moma likes you. you can tell by his smiling face that al he wants to do is be with you. and eat. and sleep. moma thinks you are the coolest, but since he is armless, he won't be showing up a lot here. sorry.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Fruit Bowl. by jeero

okay, so here is a story about our mischief. we rode into a house on that weird guy from the fire place and befriended him. then we acted incognito in fruit bowls.

this guy's name is Icebat. hey, look, it's me!
that's moxy....
ooh, me again.
hey, there i am again. well, that's the price of fame.
oh, i'm back!
in conclusion, we stole all the fruit and gave it to ulgyworld charity.
steal from the humans to give to the poor, right? it was for a good
By Jeero

some of our adventures.. by moxy and jeero

this is when we got stuck in a fireplace with some guy we'd never
met, and freaked out.

i had to get a passerby to hold me up to the phone
then i got stuck pushing to coin return
jeero had to get some random girl with chipped black nail polish and an intimidating face and spiky hair to hold him up to this peice of glass he thought looked like a butt.

good times, good times.

Tree Tour Around The World: by moxy

I went on a tree tour today. it took a while to get jeero to agree, but he came. he was busy on his mental health day.
us in america,
then we flew to canada in an embassador's luggage.
then asia. that embassador really helped us out alot.

then jeero fell out of a tree, and we had to go back home.
by moxy