Tuesday, March 25, 2008


A- Available?: aways available for eating cake
B-Best friend: Abbie
C-Cake or Pie?: pie
D-Drink of choice: coke
E-Essential thing used everyday: my cell phone
F-Favorite color: pink
G-Gummi bears or worms: ewww~you said gummy
H-Hometown: Boston, yo
I-Indulgence: long hot baths and showers and crappy tv and pie
J-January or February: February
K-Kids and names: ahhh, what kids?
L-Life: full of very unnecessary things
M-Marriage date: who said I was married?
N-Number of siblings: 1 Awesome Brother
O-Oranges or apples: oranges
P-Phobias: spiders, big spiders
Q-Quote: "You don't have to blow out my candle to make yours glow brighter" ~Anonymous
R-Reason to smile: my mother
S-Season: summer
T-Tag three people: Abbie
U-Unknown fact about me: i really really like soy milk even though i always pretend to hate it (i'd like a glass right now)
V-Vegetable you don't like: haven't seen one yet, probably dikon radish
W-Worst Habit: biting my nails
X-X-rays I've had: a lot in my mouth
Y-Your favorite food: broccoli casserole
Z-Zodiac: Cancer

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